Saturday, June 18, 2011

amorphous structure of glass

images 2) Structure: All glass amorphous structure of glass. amorphous structure. amorphous
  • amorphous structure. amorphous

    09-01 01:56 PM
    Landed in Aug/2001 on H1B
    Changed Employer in Apr 2002
    Filed Labor May 03
    Labor Approved in 06
    Filed I-140 and approved in late 06
    Filed I - 485 in 07
    Surviving on EAD.

    wallpaper amorphous structure. amorphous amorphous structure of glass. amorphous structure of glass.
  • amorphous structure of glass.

  • sayantan76
    01-07 09:07 AM
    Please read my statements properly. I have taught about 100 (the number of students in my last 5 classes were about 70, 30, 25, 25, 12). My colleagues have been observing the same issues for last 5-7 years when the number of students from India started to surge. The number 1000 is the estimate for over the 5 year period. Both numbers are conservative estimates.
    and why, pray, does your esteemed school keep accepting students from these so called "sub-standard" colleges in india? i would say 5-7 years of observed emperical evidence calls for some substantial action on your and your school's part in black-listing these, either:

    1. you are blowing smoke through eveyone's a** here or
    2. the school is greedy for tuition fees - proving an earlier contention made in this thread about it being all about money....

    P.S - i am not from one of these schools so no personal stake!

    amorphous structure of glass. ImageCrystal structure of
  • ImageCrystal structure of

  • EndlessWait
    07-06 01:53 PM
    I think you sent your application after july 2...:D

    haha very funny..:cool:

    2011 amorphous structure of glass. amorphous structure of glass. its amorphous structure.
  • its amorphous structure.

  • unseenguy
    02-13 10:06 PM
    This is the message I have got from this guy....

    I have contributed more than $500 to IV. I am not sure I want green card anymore. Thanks.

    Just another junk in IV

    Why are you not posting other messages from me, kiddo. MS + 1 yr. LOL. What an experienced and talented guy :)


    amorphous structure of glass. into an organic structure.
  • into an organic structure.

  • psvk
    07-11 11:08 AM
    Not to put any dampers here, but this is extremely frustrating for the EB3 India folks. I mean how freakin long do WE have to wait before we get our turn!

    Nothing against EB2 or other, at least let them enjoy the freedom.

    It is really frustrating, because of the mistake by the attorney or stupid company policy etc, people like us with pd 2001 etc waiting on EB3. In my case I had PG with 7 yrs exp when filing, but for the stupid lawyer and company policy. putting aside the original classification of categories, given the present scenario, Not sure what way EB2 is better than EB3

    amorphous structure of glass. amorphous glass structure
  • amorphous glass structure

  • pani_6
    08-04 07:19 PM
    I was talking with my American Collegue about this Visa numbers and he heard this & decided to write a letter.I have toned down the harsh language ...but you can consider sending this out also..:)


    amorphous structure of glass. amorphous glass structure.
  • amorphous glass structure.

  • Raju
    07-06 02:00 PM
    No This is a height of Cruelity from USCIS. They must have interpreted lot of phone calls and inquiries as "people might not have understood the revision" as they are not from "English Speaking" countries so change it and put "Flip" and "Flop" together as somebody mentioned ahead. But if people might not have understood "Flip" and "Flop" then how can they understand "Flip-Flop"?:)

    They posted the revised bulletin in a hurry. They should have done this on July 2nd. The actual july bulletin consists FB dates and other dates.

    2010 ImageCrystal structure of amorphous structure of glass. 2) Structure: All glass
  • 2) Structure: All glass

  • satyasaich
    03-08 01:06 PM
    just about to start


    amorphous structure of glass. And its amorphous structure
  • And its amorphous structure

  • Imigrait
    01-29 07:33 PM
    Applied for AP - Aug.16 with NSC

    The funny thing is,that as with EAD card,in a day after I subscribed for e-mail update with USCIS they send me e-mail that my AP and family members have been mailed.

    LUD on AP Jan 23. AP on hand Jan.28.

    Hi NeoKlaus,

    Do you know what your Notice Date was?


    hair its amorphous structure. amorphous structure of glass. amorphous structure of glass.
  • amorphous structure of glass.

  • HV000
    07-22 12:28 PM
    NY/NJ/CT/MA Members -

    Please write to Sen.HILARY CLINTON expressing your dissatisfaction or concern with regard to failure of Sen.Cornyn Amendment. It's critical that we as Indians get her opinion on this issue. She voted NO on this amendment DESPITE the indian lobby contributing to her campaign. Also its likely that she might become our next president.

    Obviously, Sen.Obama does not care much for Indians!


    amorphous structure of glass. Amorphous Structure Of Glass.
  • Amorphous Structure Of Glass.

  • mbawa2574
    07-05 01:57 PM
    IV core leadership has to change and so is the stratergy. Current Lobbying efforts have clearly not worked out. I call for elections to elect the new core team. All these conference calls and inaction is just wastage of time and things are getting worse. We need an aggressive stratergy and may need to take names and hit people openly to get our agenda pushed. IV leadership clearly lacks these skills.

    hot into an organic structure. amorphous structure of glass. amorphous structure of glass. Amorphous Glass Structure.
  • amorphous structure of glass. Amorphous Glass Structure.

  • skv
    06-18 10:54 AM
    Hope not, we never thought that this will be current so soon. so my gut feeling is that we all should be fine up until Sep end.

    Good luck for you and all!


    house glass amorphous structure. amorphous structure of glass. 2010 an amorphous structure
  • 2010 an amorphous structure

  • Gravitation
    07-20 10:40 PM
    Thank you!! That's true exagerated values. With concurrent filing you can travel in and out of the country, you can work etc. Now we are moaning that the greencard is going to take forever! Wow! Be happy with this situation (file your i-140 & i-485) and stop these pessimistic views!

    I think the calculations are actually conservative. If this thread depresses you, don't read it. But people need to be able to whatever analysis they can to see what's ahead!

    You're happy; that's great! Enjoy! I don't think anybody on thread intends to deflate your mood. They're just analyzing. Chill.

    tattoo amorphous glass structure amorphous structure of glass. amorphous structure of glass
  • amorphous structure of glass

  • ronhira
    07-06 02:02 AM
    I agree, what did I do for IV for the past few months, nothing. Responded to one or two threads. Been very busy at work and was not able to contribute constructively to this organization. I am wondering how many of us are in this same boat, what are we all actually doing in helping the organization from either volunteering, getting more people to open their eyes and recognize a problem and organize and mobilize people. I have been trying for the past 4 years and its not easy and not always successful. To see the leadership team constantly juggling between work and working on different initiatives and putting in self less hours really requires appreciation. Now I think its worth asking ourselves, how much have we done or are willing to do to take us to where all of us want to be IMHO.

    let me ask you this. did anyone from "leadership" call/email/contact you when you were inactive/busy with your life. if the leaders did not call/email you, how will you know if your help is needed. i don't see how its u'r fault


    pictures amorphous glass structure. amorphous structure of glass. 2010 Amorphous Glass
  • 2010 Amorphous Glass

  • qualified_trash
    01-03 04:16 PM
    I think you bring up very valid points. For a lot of ppl who have stayed away from family/extended family for so long, they may not like the constant interference.

    "I miss my parents" is not quantifiable but what about the paying back the debt by supporting your aging parents? Let me make the question a little broader, isn't every immigrant divided between doing what's best for the children and supporting the parents?
    yes they are indeed. I took care of this as my sisters and parents have immigrated to New Zealand, work and live happily there and will be covered by a great social security system.

    also, they do not need a visa to visit me after they get their citizenship (in the next year or so) and I will not need one to visit them after I get mine in the next decade or so.......... :-))

    as for what is best, we should all ask our parents and they would say do whats best for your kid because that is what they did. they did their best for us and we should do the best for our kids as they should do their best for theirs........

    dresses amorphous structure of glass. Amorphous Glass Structure. amorphous structure of glass. glass amorphous structure.
  • glass amorphous structure.

  • pappu
    07-18 11:59 AM
    IV action alert $50 per month recurring contribution drive.

    Dear IV members,
    IV has had its first big success this year and we should all be proud of what we can all do. We worked hard and left no stone unturned to get this relief for our members. During the last few days there has been some movement on the National Defense Authorization Act and work on DREAM and SKIL provisions. While we were fully focused on the 485 relief, we did not lose sight of the developments. We have built a positive momentum and have been getting positive signals from key lawmakers. It is now upto us how we can seize the opportunity and focus on the lobbying efforts on legislative front. After seeing the overwhelming support of our members we are also encouraged to move ahead with full steam and explore the possibility of our provisions in the upcoming legislative activities. We also need to explore any other future movement on legislative front. Please join us in this struggle by signing up for $50 or more per month recurring contributions. This minimum amount is important for us to accomplish the kind of results we all desire. The failure of CIR and the political climate against immigration are making the task difficult but not impossible.

    Monthly $50 sign ups will enable us to have a better idea on the funds for the coming months and we can plan our efforts better.

    Thanks again for your continued support.

    IV team

    P.S. After our success with the visa bulletin, our opponents, other organizations and people in DC know that IV has arrived. Congrats everyone.

    " Kapoor says he has spent about $64,000 of his own money in the last 19 months, largely on travel to and from Washington." _businessweek+exclusives

    Message from Pappu:

    Yes this is not a typo. This is true. Aman has made more financial sacrifices and time sacrifices than anyone else. Not a single penny has been reimbursed to him for his trips to DC, food and stay in DC or car rental in DC. He even risked his job and went to DC on unpaid leave at critical times because lobbying was important for getting our work done. We in the core team know this and when we see the kind of contributions we get from members, we feel disappointed that our efforts are not valued. When we started the $20 contributions people felt $20 was too high and wanted $10 per month or less. The kind of work and effort that is needed to push a single provision is phenomenal and needs lot of capital. The more the better. Sometimes reading posts that say IV core is selfish also disappoints us. People do not know the effort that goes in getting anything done. This website is simply a tool for us to communicate to everyone. The big effort is the lobbying work. We hope the Buisnessweek article helps people realize our hard work and people value it by contributing to it and helping us in all action items.


    makeup And its amorphous structure amorphous structure of glass. glass amorphous structure.
  • glass amorphous structure.

  • lvinaykumar
    01-30 03:45 PM
    Congratulation to 9years and Vayumahesh. Thank you both for documenting your journey. My EB2 perm was applied from the new company i have joined and it is approved this month. Hopefully i should be applying for I-140 next month.

    I have applied my 485 in July 07 but i was not married at that time. I am married now and my my wife is on H1B. When should i add her or amend my I-485.


    girlfriend amorphous structure of glass amorphous structure of glass. structure of amorphous carbon
  • structure of amorphous carbon

  • amitjoey
    07-18 04:20 PM
    I know many of friends who use IV as recourse for NEWS but they don't register nor contribute. Even after multiple reminders and sarcastic comments they don't. I feel pity for them, they don't understand by registering and contributing they help them self and others. Shouldn�t we make IV a monthly subscription web site? That way we will have only serious members.

    I wish we make it only for contributing members.

    hairstyles Amorphous Structure Of Glass. amorphous structure of glass. an amorphous structure is
  • an amorphous structure is

  • Macaca
    06-18 10:51 AM
    Please post your concerns in Employment Based (EB) Skilled Immigration Applicants (

    09-10 03:30 PM, akr_roy, vinod_gvk, spce94mech, subujee, babu123, leo2606

    07-24 03:38 PM
    EB5 doesn't need I-140. In fact EB5 does not apply with I-485, EB5 application# is I-526. Either we are missing out some crucial information on LuckyPaji's case or he is having little fun at our expense. They haven't even completed receipting June 29 cases. This guy is just playing with us or his dates are completely wrong.

    Since LuckyPaji mentioned his brother came on investors visa, I'm thinking even he applied under INVESTOR CATEGORY-EB5..

    Probably he is right that he got EAD, 140 and 485 receit notices etc...:) ..
    Anyway he is not sure about his category..So it could be EB5 which was NEVER retrogressed..

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