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  • satyasaich
    07-16 09:37 AM

    is it possible to send an email, probably daily once to all members about High Five ?
    I feel that most of the members are not aware at this time. Usually when ever something is happening live at senate or congress, more members visit and follow the proceedings. Since there is nothing like that right now, i think it's time to communicate to all of'em.
    Just a thought to increase the momentum. This is a great initiative indeed in this tough economy

    By the way, i've mailed another check of $50 today morning, towards yesterday's target of $2000


    Good Morning people.

    A new beginning today. We missed our target of 2000 yesterday. Today we have a new target.

    $3000.00 by mindnight EST.

    Will we make it or will we miss again?

    Common IV'rs, this a chance at redemption. Let us show the anti-immigrants that we are UNITED.

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  • lonedesi
    08-05 08:45 AM
    Members, who were complaining about the slow processing of I-140's at TSC & NSC, now is the time to stand up and get counted. Please take the time to review the letter and then mail the DHS Form 7001 along with the letter to USCIS Ombudsman's office.
    Members who have already done so, please encourage others suffering from these delays to join this campaign to make it effective. Also, please post on this thread once you have mailed the letters, so that others get motivated to join.

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  • newbee7
    07-06 06:55 AM
    Can you please change the headling in Digg to:

    Homeland security compromised in mad rush to process Green Cards

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  • makemygc
    07-06 10:51 AM
    Just on a lighter note. Why diptam and nixstor is fighting in all the forums? You guys are not husband and wife, right :D
    Just kidding..now relax..its the last day of the horrible weekk


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  • gc_check
    01-07 02:45 PM
    Finally, BOA approved your loan or not. I am in exact same situation as you & they have denied my refinance.
    No, I was not successful in getting loan approved from BOA last year when I was looking for re-fi. I was too busy with work and other issues and had less time to follow-up and trying to convince/educate them on EAD,etc.. and wasn't sure, If I could. Since mine was a re-fi and the current loan is already in a better rate, I did not take the effort to purse further.

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  • gc_check
    07-21 07:27 AM
    Thanks all for the updates. Also the loan agent I am working seems to understand, the underwriter is the one causing issue. I-140 approval has already been submitted along with EAD copy and I-485 receipt, Still they need the visa copy, which is expired in my case.
    Will try talking to them again. I have sent an email to Bank of America customer service wiith details and hope fully they respond back.


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  • asanghi
    04-30 02:33 PM
    Can somebody post the link please?


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  • susie
    07-15 11:32 AM
    2 0f 2

    Jack, Mary and Sundeep

    Sundeep�s Dad works in a business, which is 40% owned by him. It is a multinational home furnishing�s business, which in the USA employees 5 American employees to design and craft furniture for sale. He is in L1 visa holder (and Sundeep therefore is an L2 visa holder). After arriving in the USA, the business sponsored Sundeep�s Dad for employment-based permanent residency as managing director. Sundeep and his Mother were derivatives on this application. The petition was ultimately approved and Sundeep and his family adjusted status thereafter before he turned 21. Sundeep eventually became a citizen and does various jobs.

    Jack and Mary�s parents are E-2 visa holders. Their business is a large grocery store, which employs over 25 employees on both a full-time and part-time basis. The store is rented, but the business is very successful and is worth about $450,000.

    Jack has graduated high school and is very ambitious. His dream was to go to the University of Michigan. Unfortunately he was not eligible for a full scholarship because most scholarships available are only for permanent residents and citizens. Fortunately, he gained a partial football scholarship to play for the Michigan Wolverines. His Parent�s pay for the remaining tuition thanks to their successful business. Jack is in his final year of his degree and is majoring in Math and Economics, and is currently on a 3.9 GPA in the top 98th percentile. He is 20 years old. Upon graduation, Jack wanted to serve in the US military but could not because he is regarded as a temporary resident (being in nonimmigrant status).

    He is now considering his options. He had planned to go to law school after military service, but is now deciding whether to attend in the following academic year or find other work first (knowing he cannot qualify for most scholarships and competitive domestic loans). Ironically, his sister Mary has no problem. She is an American citizen. She has the ability to go college and being smart, has received scholarships and low interest loans, saving her many thousands of dollars. She also works part-time to fund her social life.


    Another potential solution for nonimmigrant children is through education. As children with derivative visas they are entitled to be educated in the USA to high school level, whether through a State funded school or a privately funded school. Once this is complete a child may decide to go onto college to pursue degree level studies or equivalent studies at a higher education institution.

    If a child is approaching 21 or has already passed 21, he or she may apply for a course of study in a US school or college. For academic studies the F1 visa would provide a solution. For vocational studies the M1 visa would provide a solution. However, even with this, there might be a problem for a person who left their US home and has gone back to their country or residence or citizenship because they have turned 21. Sometimes this is referred to colloquially as the �home country,� which is an insulting turn of phrase for a person who has spent most of their life in the USA, and therefore will be referred to in this article as country or citizenship or residence.

    To be eligible for most nonimmigrant visas (i.e. those that do not have dual intent or similar status) a person generally has to prove ties with their country of citizenship or residence. Specifically he or she has to prove at the time of applying for the visa (including M1 or F1 visas) that he or she:

    1. Has a residence abroad;
    2. Has no immediate intention of abandoning that residence; and
    3. Intends to depart from the USA upon completion of the course of study.

    Fortunately, in relation to (1), the FAM guidelines recognize that in relation to F1/M1 visas,

    it is natural that the student does not possess ties of property, employment, family obligation, and continuity of life typical of [more short-term visa applicants such as a] B visa applicants. These ties are typically weakly held by student applicants, as the student is often single, unemployed, without property, and is at the stage in life of deciding and developing his or her future plans. This general condition is further accentuated in light of the student�s proposed extended absence from his or her homeland. [9 FAM 41.61 N5.2]

    However, there is still another problem. The consular officer must still also be satisfied with (2) and (3). Fortunately, the consular officer has to recognize an intention of abandoning residence of your country of citizenship and residence is only important at the time of application and that �this intention is subject to change or even likely to change is NOT a sufficient reason to deny a visa.� 9 FAM 41.61 N5.2. Despite these considerations, if the consular officer is aware the rest of the visa applicant�s family is in the USA from the required disclosures on the visa application, this is evidence which may cause denial of the visa.


    Unfortunately, on graduation Jack could not find work in the USA. He wanted to remain in Detroit to be with his family, but it is suffering from high unemployment. He also had three offers from three banks in New York before graduation to work as a stock trader. He accepted one and they were willing to sponsor Jack with a H1-B nonimmigrant employment visa. However, when the employer submitted the application and fee, it transpired they could not sponsor him. The H1-B cap for 60,000 visas had been reached for 2008 in just three days. 150,000 applications were made and so the USCIS selected 60,000 on a random basis. Unfortunately, Jack was one of the unlucky 90,000 and the application was returned to the employer unprocessed. Even more unfortunate, the employer was unwilling to sponsor Jack with an employment-based permanent residency petition.

    Jack is now in the UK, his country of citizenship, despite the fact his Parents and sister remain in the USA and will continue to be so. Jack�s sister could sponsor Jack for a family-based immigrant visa after she turns 21, but she is still only 18 and so cannot do so under current laws. Even if she was 21, Jack would have to wait about 15 years. Jack, therefore resigns to a new life in London. Fortunately, he works in Canary Wharf, London, for a major bank as an analyst.

    During this time he is not happy. He is out of touch with people in the UK culturally speaking, suffers from depression, but despite this does his best to adjust. He contemplates coming to the USA on student visa to do law school. In the future he applies and gets offers to do a JD in Yale, Columbia, New York, Georgetown and Duke.

    However, if the laws stay as they were at the start of 2007, Jack knows he will have problems. He has to have the intention to leave the USA upon completion of his studies. However, in his heart he wants to stay in the USA but realizes the law does not allow this. Knowing this, he can apply for a Fulbright scholarship and will likely be ones and successful so that his tuition fees and living expenses are paid for in full. However, the terms state he must return on completion of his degree. If this fails Jack, in applying for an F1 visa, has to prove he can pay for and in fact has the funds to pay for the degree and the living expenses and so would have to wait until he is able obtain this money somehow. This is particularly onerous when you consider a law degree at the above listed law schools costs approximately or more than $35,000 in tuition fees each year alone.

    The Need for Reform for the Children

    Legislation should be enacted to enable those specified above to also apply for permanent residence. Under the STRIVE Act, illegal immigrants would be provided with a direct path to permanent residency and eventually citizenship. However, the children are law abiding nonimmigrant visa holders are left out in the cold. What a peculiar turn of events!

    Jack would not receive any benefit under the upcoming comprehensive immigration reform to apply directly and on his own behalf for permanent residency. For a country that has educated Jack from the beginning (through the taxes of Americans and other residents) it is strange that:

    * He is not allowed to live in his home with his friends and family automatically;
    * The USA invested so many resources in the development and cultivation of Jack�s talents (tens of thousands of dollars in fact), but Jack is unable to automatically return to give back for his achievements such as through taxes on a potentially high income; and
    * The UK has taken the direct benefit, since Jack works in the USA, without having spent any money on his education and development.

    The bottom line is immigration needs to be comprehensive, not only to promote family reunification, but also to ensure the USA does not lose out on the best talent in an increasingly competitive global economy.

    Help for the Children of Illegal Migrants: The DREAM Act

    Ironically, the DREAM Act (The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act) is currently a Bill pending in US Congress (and is incorporated in the STRIVE Act), which would provide wide ranging help to illegal immigrant students. Unfortunately, this does not help the children of nonimmigrant visa holders such as Jack.

    Reporting Errors

    This article does not constitute legal advice and may not correctly describe the legal position. However, reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure its relevancy. Please report errors and provide feedback on this article on the related thread at http://www.expatsvoice.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1986.


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  • vayumahesh
    10-22 09:12 AM
    My application was filed under PERM EB2 on May 12th and it got approved on Sep 2nd. Filed I-140 under premium processing yesterday. My attorney has requested earlier priority date (June 2003, EB3) while filing EB2 I-140. He said, once I-140 is approved and priority date porting is done, I-485 may be approved automatically. If not approved for a period of time (say a month or so), interfiling may be requested.

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  • Sachin_Stock
    08-23 09:41 AM
    Definition of EB-2 Advanced Degree:
    Documentation, such as an official academic record showing that you have a U.S. advanced degree or a foreign equivalent degree, or an official academic record showing that you have a U.S. baccalaureate degree or a foreign equivalent degree and letters from current or former employers showing that you have at least 5 years of progressive post-baccalaureate work experience in the specialty.

    Source: USCIS - Employment-Based Immigration: Second Preference EB-2 (http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=816a83453d4a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCR D&vgnextchannel=816a83453d4a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60a RCRD)


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  • needhelp!
    09-11 04:56 PM
    In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do.
    The worst thing you can do is nothing.

    - Theodore Roosevelt

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  • meminime
    11-30 02:47 PM
    Thanks for all the info about interfilling guys, very useful .

    I have EB3 Nob/04 with I40 approved and AOS in progress.

    Apllied EB2 10 months ago and got labor (6 months prep + 3 months in filling) + I140 approved (in 2 days)
    with prem processing.

    I'm also in the same boat as others, not clear as to what one has to do for porting/interfilling, I will let the attorney decide if he/she needs to submit a request or it will be automatically linked to the current 485.

    Please keep us updated on your progress which is more helpful than attorneys and SOPs followed by USCIS, thanks.



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  • skv
    06-28 02:35 PM
    I got my certified yesterday 6/27
    EB-2, India, Atlanta feb 21'07

    All the best !!! Good to know.

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  • bestia
    03-17 10:21 PM
    Not if you file a joint return

    Just a question. Why would you file jointly if your wife doesn't work (i.e. doesn't have SSN)?


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  • dummgelauft
    03-04 02:07 PM
    (1)EAD is NOT a status. Your status should be AOS, or H1B, L1, TN or whatever.
    (2) I personally know more than a dozen people (including myself) who hgot mortgages, and this was not even an issue.
    (3) You have a horse's ass for a lender. Just go to another bank. Countrywide is quite good, in my opinion. Go directly to them, not through a broker.

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  • santb1975
    05-30 09:56 PM


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  • qualified_trash
    01-03 04:16 PM
    I think you bring up very valid points. For a lot of ppl who have stayed away from family/extended family for so long, they may not like the constant interference.

    "I miss my parents" is not quantifiable but what about the paying back the debt by supporting your aging parents? Let me make the question a little broader, isn't every immigrant divided between doing what's best for the children and supporting the parents?
    yes they are indeed. I took care of this as my sisters and parents have immigrated to New Zealand, work and live happily there and will be covered by a great social security system.

    also, they do not need a visa to visit me after they get their citizenship (in the next year or so) and I will not need one to visit them after I get mine in the next decade or so.......... :-))

    as for what is best, we should all ask our parents and they would say do whats best for your kid because that is what they did. they did their best for us and we should do the best for our kids as they should do their best for theirs........

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  • skd
    08-17 01:20 AM
    bharol, You and I have same Priority Date and Category Mine is also PD 3rd Sept 2004 ( EB-2)

    Let me know when you get your approval
    Looking at the recent approvals looks like USCIS does the following:

    1. Pick up x number of files using a random algorithm.
    2. Arrange these files in a random order using the same random algorithm
    followed in step 1.
    3. Randomly pick any file arranged in step 2.
    4. Toss a coin.
    5. On odd dates if it is heads,approve the file. On even dates if it is tails
    approve it.
    6. If file is not approved in step 5 put it on the shelf to be picked up
    in step 1 in next cycle.

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  • ajay
    04-30 08:59 AM
    I did call and left a voice message as suggested by Pappu.
    Hope for the best. Support IV as always.

    12-12 07:13 PM
    We are in successful talk with an Associated Press reporter who is interested in writing about our problems. I am planning to schedule a meeting with this reporter in firsts week of January based on her availability.

    It is a small win.

    04-12 09:10 AM
    There will be lot of LC's that will be coming up for sale or to lure employees since majority of the employees might have left Desi Consulting Cos becoz of the sheer amount of Dirt Practice, they do.

    INS at some point of time should ban LC substitution. this is another mess that is a slow poison for retrogression.

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